POULTNEY | Family Session

I may have gone a little overboard in this post, buts it’s a goodie :)

I made the trip before harvest to Corrigin to have a fun session with the Poultney’s. It was a beautiful day…except for the wind. Little Miss C wasn’t her happy normal self but Miss S certainly made up for it and kept me very entertained :)

Walking around the house and sheds is ideal, as it’s familiar territory for the kids..and gave us opportunities to hide from the wind.

I let Miss S dress up in one of my ‘princess’ dresses at the end which was a hit……I hear she didn’t stop talking about the dress all night xo

Disclaimer…I LOVE B+W photos so theres a few….I think I need to do an entire post in just B+W.

FamilyHollie SmithFamily